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Friday, January 24, 2014

Blog Post 2

Teacher teaching a classMr. Dancealot

The message of this video is that teaching is not just delivering factional knowledge to students. Students need teachers to assist them on how to use the knowledge that they provide, and to demonstrate for them. In the video, the teacher was trying to teach dance by just relating facts and ques to the students over a power point presentation and then expecting the students to be able to learn the dance alone from just that. They're are many different teaching styles out there and it's definitely not a matter of "One fits all."

Teaching in the 21st Century

To teach in 21st century, described by Kevin Roberts, is not to "teach" but rather assist an individual on how to use the knowledge that is already available for them. In the 21st century, a student has access to just about anything they need online, however, that information is useless to the student until shown properly on how to use it. I feel that the way Roberts sees teaching in the 21st century is very accurate. Teaching in the 21st century is dramatically changing and in order to aocommodate with this changing the teachers as well have to adapt to this 21st century style of learning.

Networked Student

This video addresses the question of, "Why does a networked student even need a teacher?" Even though today's student has access to virtually everything he or she may need though the internet, that student still needs guidance on how to attain that information. Being released on your own to complete a task involving using the internet as your major source is a bit overwhelming. There is tons of information out there. How do you know which is reliable information? How do you determine whether or not the information you are reading is useful information. This is where the teacher is needed. The teacher is there now as not solely the only source of information but to provide information of which they know and also to collaborate with children in this new journey of teaching.

Harness Your Students' Digital Needs

This video shows that a student should not be limited to the classroom. By allowing children to network online to other countries, we are giving children the opportunity to experience a diverse education. Vicky Davis is preparing her children for a more technological advanced future which is sure to come. Davis admits herself, that to teach students is to learn with them as well.

Flipping the Classroom

Flipping the classroom is new to me. I certainly have never experienced it throughout my education so far. I believe that this approach to learning can be very useful. By allowing the children access to instructions the night before class on what we will be covering in class the following day will be very beneficial to students. It will save time in class in which can be used to work independently with children as they may need extra attention. I do see this new approach to learning to really take off and to someday be the prime way in which the children of the future learn.


  1. Hey James! I loved your blog about teaching in the 21st century! Most of the information you provided I wrote about as well. Being able to get another persons view on information, is always something I look forward to! There were minor grammatical and punctuation mistakes that I believe you accidentally missed. Make sure to proof read your writing a couple of times along with getting another person to proof read it as well. Another piece of advice I could give you is something very small but could give you a huge impact. I am in the same class as you are and I know what you were talking about. We had to watch the same videos and write about them. My suggestion is that you copy the link to the videos and embed them along with your post, that way, anyone who looks at your site other than an EDM310 student can follow along with what you are talking about. I hope this helps!

  2. Like Sheridan said, include links in your posts. It allows your audience access to what you're discussing.
